

Couples intending to get married in church are required to give at least 3 months notice to their respective Parish Priest. This church regulation applies even if the wedding is to take place in a church outside of their own parish.

Couples are also reminded to make provision for taking a Marriage preparation course provided by ‘Accord’. It is strongly advised that contact be made with ‘Accord’ in good time before the date of the Wedding – 6 months is suggested to be sure of getting a place. There is a booking fee and cost involved.

The address to write to is ACCORD (Limerick Centre), St. Munchin’s College, Corbally, Limerick. Tel. 061 34300. ‘Accord’ also has a website with details of all its services in Ireland. Also see website specific to its pre-marriage courses which is:

Notification and Required Documents

Contact the Church

Bookings for the Church such as dates and times for the Sacrament of Marriage can be made by contacting the priest on duty or the Sacristan.

Pre-nuptial Enquiry form

This is the most important document and both bride and groom will need to make an appointment with their respective Parish Priest or Curate to complete it. For this meeting they will be required to bring a recent Baptismal Certificate, Confirmation Certificate, a letter of freedom and an official receipt of Marriage Notification

Baptismal Certificate

A recent Baptismal Certificate (not more than 6 months old) –Long form. The short form of the cert they may have got years before for school etc will not suffice.

Confirmation Certificate

TA Confirmation Certificate is required also if evidence of Confirmation is not included on the Baptism Certificate.

Letter of Freedom

A letter of freedom from the Parish Priest of the parish or parishes in which you may have resided after your 18th birthday for more than six months, This letter simply states that you did not get married while residing in that parish and are, as far as he knows, free to marry.

Any Necessary Special Permission

For example, Mixed Marriage, or Marriage of Catholic and a non-baptised person or Marriage in a church other than a Catholic church. Applications are handled by the Diocesan Office once the priest of the catholic party has forwarded the standard paperwork.

Marriage Notification from the Registrar

An official receipt of Marriage Notification from the Registrar.

Planning the Ceremony

Couples should contact the priest or deacon who will be officiating at their marriage to discuss such matters as the rite of marriage which will be used, appropriate readings, music, etc, before printing the ceremony booklet.

An excellent online resource to help you with your marriage preparation – including the booklet, marriage preparation, marriage catechesis, the ceremony, and married life – can be found at:

Completing the Paperwork

Contact the Parish to arrange a suitable time to complete and sign your Pre-Nuptial enquiry form or to obtain certificates or discuss the details of your marriage ceremony and Mass. We will be happy to help you with these matters.