Flower Group & Altar Society

Until 1988, Sr Brigid Kennedy, a Salesian sister, single handedly, brought the flowers and arranged them in the church.  In that year she left Caherdavin for mission work in Lesotho and a flower group was formed to replace this one wonderful Sister.

Members meet monthly, on the last Tuesday, to note what would be appropriate for the liturgy of the season and to plan accordingly.  Two members accept responsibility for any given month.  However, for the really big liturgical occasions, such as Easter and Christmas, and for the celebration of the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion each and every member has a part to play. 

Why do members choose to get involved?  Mainly, I would say, it is because it is seen by them as a loving service to the house of God. It is also a way of expressing solidarity with all who pray there and with anyone who marks a significant event in their lives, be it wedding, baptism, sacramental reception or funeral in this lovely building.


As a supplementary service, the members have caused to be designed and then made the embroidered cloths for the ambo and altar and they produce them for the appropriate liturgies.

Volunteer helpers are always welcome.  No special skill is required, just a determination to keep fresh flowers and plants in the church and to be fully committed for a month or two for the few hours this involves.  Foremost in our minds is the hope, that to any casual visitor to our church, there will be an impression that not only is this building loved and cared for, but within its walls something significant happens and this conviction is honoured and respected.

If you wish to be involved, don’t hesitate, contact Ann Marie in the sacristy .